• darkblurbg
    Holistic medicine center

    Dr med Darko Marđetko

Urine indican test is a chemical analysis of urine which through the use of iron, hydrochloric acid and chloroform, determines the level of toxic by-products resulting from the process of protein rotting in the intestinal tract. A positive test always signifies pathologic activities of the bowels anaerobic bacteria. In connection with this, irregular protein degradation in the bowels may provoke a level increase of more than 30 toxic chemical compounds and cause the so called bowel auto toxicity. All these harmful chemicals should be neutralized by the liver, and afterwards transferred by blood to kidneys which try to eliminate them from the body through urine. As a consequence of these extremely toxic processes, various illnesses may develop such as colitis, gastritis, asthma, psoriasis, heart diseases and high blood pressure, various allergic illnesses, arthritis, tendency to develop a tumor etc.

Normally, indican test of a healthy person is negative (o). A positive indican test is classified as mild (+), medium (++), strong (+++) or extremely strong (++++). Each positive reaction of the second or third degree should be taken seriously and treated. Diet represents the basis of the therapy along with various types of medicines. For the first week, I suggest a detoxification diet according to the instructions below.

It is understandable that most of patients hardly wait the end of the first diet week. However there are no words to sufficiently emphasize that adherence to the instructions precisely during the first week is of crucial importance for undisturbed elimination of toxin from the body. No other food or drinks should be consummated besides those stated!!! This selection of food is a result of my long-time experience with electro-dermal testing (the so called Vegatest) of nutritive allergies on thousands of patients. There is an old Latin saying “Per aspera ad astra” (through hardships to the stars)! Thus without renunciation and discipline our treatment cannot give satisfying results.

One of the side effects of this way of nutrition is the elimination of the excess body weight. To those with the problem of an excess body weight I sincerely recommend repeating of the first diet week once more. Patients of the normal weight will easily return those few lost pounds. I recommend to those underweight and physically weak not to go ahead with this type of diet on one’s own without previously consulting the medical expert for nutrition! If patients are allergic to any of the food items mentioned in the diet, they should eliminate and replace the concerned item with the adequate one upon the consultation with the doctor.

In majority of cases most of the patients take the detoxification well if they follow the given instructions. The most common disturbances in the beginning are the feeling of weakness, sleepiness, frequent urinations, symptoms of a cold with nose running ad sneezing, tongue coating and bad breath. These disturbances mostly disappear by itself through few days up to 2-3 weeks maximum for those who continue with the detoxification diet for more than several weeks (which is not recommended without the control of a doctor with experience in detoxification). Detoxification symptoms should not be treated by chemical suppressing medicines but should be left to disappear by themselves. Even though doctor’s advice is rarely needed due to those disturbances, I recommend that each patient has a doctor to monitor him during the detoxification.

At the beginning of the diet, the first 4-5 days it is necessary to “purge” the bowels. For this purpose you can use magnesium peroxide (Ozovit powder, 2-3 x 2 measuring spoonfuls of powder in a glass of hot water, 2 hours after the meal) or magnesium sulphate (powder of bitter salt, 3 spoonfuls in 3 decilitres of hot water, it should be taken before going to bed or in the morning on empty stomach). Immediately after drinking the powder dissolved in the water you can drink the juice of 1 lemon mixed with 3-5 decilitres of hot mineral water Donat Mg.

Basal vegetables soup recipe:

In 2 litres of water add the following:

2 strained potatoes (medium sized, chopped thin and fine)

2 big sized carrots (chopped into small pieces)

1 peeled onion

1 clove of garlic

The heart of on bigger kale

10 Brussels sprouts and/or 5-10 broccoli twigs (depending on the size of the twig)

1leek (with leaves), chopped thin and fine

1-2 tomatoes (it can also be frozen)

1 twig of parsley and celery, chopped thin and fine

1 pepper (green, yellow or red), chopped into small pieces

You can add smaller amounts of some other green vegetables to your liking. If you wish a more thick and stalwart soup, you can add more green vegetables and carrots.

The soup should be simmered gently for about 30 minutes (until the vegetables are tender) and then it can be pureed with a mixer. Finally add 2 tablespoons of olive oil and a bit of sea salt (1/2 teaspoons). If you have problems with high blood pressure salt the soup just a little or not at all. The soup held in the refrigerator can be used within two days.

Diet progress

1st DAY – during the morning eat fruit several times (seasonal fruit or various available sorts to your taste and liking). If you should feel more hungry, eat bananas. You should not pay attention to the amount of the fruit eaten; eat as much as your organism seeks.

For lunch eat the basal soup, 1-2 plates. If you feel more hungry, you can add some crisp bread into the soup. Beside the soup you can eat some boiled vegetables (Swiss chard, spinach kale, Brussels sprouts, broccoli, kohlrabi, leek – the best would be one after another per days) and all types of salads. Do not season the salads with vinegar but with lemon and olive oil.

For dinner you should eat a plate of the basal soup first, afterwards a plate of boiled brown rice seasoned with a bit of salt, parsley and one spoon of olive oil. With this, you can eat any sort or raw salad (lettuce, white or red cabbage, endive, radicchio...)

Water should be drank often (1,5 – 2 litres) throughout the day.

2nd DAY – during the morning, eat fruit

- for lunch eat the basal soup, crisp bread, boiled vegetables, salads

- for dinner eat the soup first, than eat one plate of boiled millet (it is cooked as the rice) with salad

3rd DAY – during the morning, eat fruit

- for lunch eat the basal soup, crisp bread, boiled vegetables, salads

- for dinner eat a plate of the basal soup first, than a few potatoes baked with the skin in the oven. Salt the potato just a little and season it with olive oil. With this you can eat any other boiled vegetables or salad.

4th DAY – during the morning, eat fruit

- for lunch eat the basal soup, crisp bread, boiled vegetables, salads

- for dinner eat the basal soup first, than eat one plate of boiled buckwheat (it is cooked as the rice). With this you can eat any other boiled vegetables or salad.

5th DAY - during the morning, eat fruit

- for lunch eat the basal soup, crisp bread, boiled rice, boiled vegetables, salads

- for dinner eat the soup, baked potato with the skin, vegetables, salad

6th DAY - during the morning, eat fruit

- for lunch you must eat the basal soup, toast, boiled vegetables

- for dinner a plate of soup, boiled millet, vegetables, salad

7th DAY – during the morning, eat fruit

- for lunch you must eat the basal soup and afterwards a corn porridge (polenta) with boiled vegetables and salad

- for dinner baked apples with honey and cinnamon (without the refined sugar).

For those who think that they cannot endure two weeks of this diet, here are the instructions for the second week:

8th DAY – in the morning you must continue with the practice of eating the fruit (this is of great importance for eliminating the toxins from the body in the right manner)

- for lunch: basal soup without the crisp bread (you must not omit the basal soup), with this you can eat a piece of white fish (not more than 20 decagrams) boiled or grilled (note! The fish should be seasoned with olive oil only after it has been baked), with the boiled vegetables and salad. The best proportion of the amount of fish (or meat) in comparison with the vegetables and salad is 1/3 : 2/3. To make it simple, we say 1/3 of the plate for fish or meat, while 2/3 for vegetables and salad.

- for dinner: fruit or polenta with vegetables and salad, or a fruit tea with a toast which can be buttered a little

9th DAY – during the morning eat fruit, in the middle of the morning and if your are still hungry you can eat a little of almonds, walnuts or sunflower pits. Nuts should be eaten separately, they shouldn’t be mixed with other food except maybe sour fruits

- for lunch: basal soup without the toast, 1 piece of turkey meat or chicken meat (not more than 20 decagrams) with boiled vegetables and salad

- for dinner: soup, boiled rice, vegetables, salad

10th DAY – during the morning eat fruit, nuts and pits

- for lunch eat the soup, boiled green or yellow beans with baked mushrooms (20 decagrams) and boiled potato with a little bit of oil and salt. Mushrooms are best if they are baked in the foil on the cook-surface of an electric stove.

- dinner for those who tolerate cow milk: first of all a portion of fruit, and one hour afterwards bio yoghurt, ” bioaktiv” or “acidofil” (acidophilus)

- those who do not tolerate milk should eat boiled millet with vegetables and salad

11th DAY –in the morning fruit, nuts, pits

-for lunch eat soup (without the toast), those who are not allergic to milk can take 10 decagrams of cheese (goat’s milk cheese or sheep’s milk cheese would be best if you can procure it) with boiled vegetables and salad

-those who don’t tolerate milk (and of course those who do, but like the fish better) can eat 15 decagrams of oily fish (the best would be fresh pilchard) with a lot of vegetables and salad

-for dinner eat fruit and yoghurt (according to the above mentioned instruction) or boiled polenta with vegetables and salad or a portion of fruit

12th DAY –in the morning eat fruit, nuts, pits

-lunch: basal soup, veal cutlet (15-20 decagrams), grilled or fried without oil (on water or in a pan such as Zepter or similar). With it, you can eat vegetables (but not beans) and salad!

-for dinner- soup, boiled rice, vegetables or only fruit (e.g. baked apples)

13th DAY –during the morning eat fruit (as much as you like), nuts and pits (don’t forget only a small amount!)

for lunch: basal soup, a piece of non-oily fish, boiled vegetables, salad

for dinner: soup, boiled buckwheat, salad

14th DAY – during the morning fruit, nuts, pits

-for lunch: basal soup, 15-20 decagrams of white meat, or oily fish or lamb or squids, grilled (don’t forget that you should oil them only at the end!!) or in a pan without oil. With this you must eat boiled green vegetables (not beans) and raw salad

-for dinner – one of boiled cereals to your liking, with vegetables and salad or a portion of fruit or bio yoghurt (acidophilus, kefir)

Here we are at the end of a two-week programme for reduction of bowel toxicity and high indican. If you have followed the given instructions, results will not fail to occur. The control test has to show significantly less, or even better negative values. According to my personal experience, 2 weeks of a detoxification programme are enough for a significant reduction of the toxicity level. But, the improvement or neutralization of a previously positive test certainly does not mean that you can return to your bad eating habits. Returning to the old bad habits signifies returning of old disturbances! Each one of us, for our own health and wellbeing should make some additional efforts to maintain the good results.

I wish you health, happiness and success

Dr. Darko Marđetko